My belief is that Thrall was unable to use WOW TBC Gold his abilities and allowed them to go to be replaced by his shamanistic abilities. Garrosh's genes and skills are also the reason Garrosh was able to win until Thrall invoked elements.

Thrall does not know what he's fighting. He's not fighting Garrosh to help Garrosh know what he did wrong or kill him. Instead, he's fighting Garrosh because he feels guilty. Garrosh on the other hand knows what he's fighting for, and that is to get rid of Thrall. That's why Garrosh is a tiger who kicks Thrall's back until Thrall decides there's no way to save him. And that Garrosh needs to be dealt with.

In the end, Garrosh has tons of direct experience fighting tough enemies. He was close to beating Thrall in their first Mak’gora without Gorehowl. He was easily able to beat Thrall in their second bout after cutting Thrall away from the elements. It's only natural that he'd win their third match before the elements came into play.

With magic now being allowed for no good reason and it makes little to no sense that most Orc Warchiefs and Leaders are warriors and are not magic users. Also, while being rare lorewize, magic users in the Warcraft universe are able to summon cataclysmic powers when compared to non-magic users.Thrall is the son of a hero and upright. It's common for him be taller than most orcs. He became more gentle as he got more attuned to the elements and began to practice Shamanism. Garrosh, the son of heroes, continued to sharpen his blade capabilities. He's also known for his strength in warcraft.

If it were young pre-horde Thrall vs. younger pre-horde Garrohs and if it were a match, Thrall may slap him.

Although your arguments are solid and understandable however you did skip through Garrosh in wotlk . Garrosh played a significant role in lots of things, since he spent two years fighting in northrend. That was one of the main motives for him to be warchief.

Botanica's mages who aren't leveled enough are clearly cheating, I can understand the logic behind it. What is the point of mass reporting rogues in BRD simply based on their level, class, and cheap Burning Crusade Classic Gold geographical location? I'm afraid innocent people may be caught up in those mass reports, and then punished for playing the the game.