Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia: resistance to NATO's incitement to war grows

Europe must not become the scene of a vicarious war

In more and more European countries, opposition to a participation in the war in Ukraine is growing. Today numerous Bulgarians gathered in the capital Sofia in front of the Ministry of Defense. After Hungary, this is thus the second NATO country in the former Eastern Bloc in which fierce resistance to the unilateral intervention in the current conflict is emerging. In Serbia, too, people had recently taken to the streets.

"Down with NATO": demonstration in front of the Ministry of Defense in Sofia

Organizer of the demonstration, according to Bulgarian media reports, was the system-critical parish "Rebirth", which, among other things, stands up against a euro-entry of Bulgaria and also sharply criticized the totalitarian Corona measures. Since last November it has sat in parliament with 13 seats. Just a few days ago she brought in a parliamentary request to ban the stationing of any more NATO units in the country. The current protest is also against handing over the few defensive weapons, which Bulgaria possesses, to Ukraine.

In the context of the demonstration, party chief Kostadin Kostadinov, who was banned from entering Ukraine for 10 years because of his criticism, stated in the direction of US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin: "We want to show him that we Bulgarians are a people who are aware of our own interests. And these are: we should not let ourselves be drawn into a fratricidal war." During the demonstration, flags were waved and anti-war and anti-NATO slogans were chanted. In addition, signs with inscriptions such as "Yankee go home" were seen.

Hungary: Orbán and people against war involvement

Bulgaria has been a member of NATO since 2004. Hungary has been a NATO member for five years longer - but even there people are not happy with the vicarious acts in their immediate vicinity. There, the rejection of even more incitement to war is even official government doctrine. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán refuses to allow Western arms shipments through Hungarian territory. Moreover, he defended his decision not to participate in the western armament of Ukraine.

With this, the conservative prime minister responded to the mood in the country ahead of the April elections. Last week, on the occasion of the Hungarian national holiday, a large demonstration took place in Budapest, at which Orbán gave a speech. He defended his country's neutral stance in the current conflict: "No Hungarian should end up between a Ukrainian anvil and a Russian hammer. It is not in our interest, as foot soldiers, to become victims in the war of other countries." Some of the hundreds of thousands of participants carried banners with messages of peace.

Serbia: street and supporter protests against NATO machinations

The increasing stationing of NATO soldiers in Eastern and Southeastern Europe is meeting growing resistance in the region. Demonstrations in Serbia recently focused against this. The former Yugoslavian country is uniting under the impression of the painful memory of the bombing by NATO in the year 1999. In just over two months, more than 28,000 explosives were dropped on Serbia - not necessarily what one would generally expect from a so-called "defensive alliance."

It is probably in this context that many Serbs' sympathies for Russia in the smoldering East-West conflict can be explained. Following protests, which declared solidarity in principle with Russia, soccer fans also gave a signal. The supporters of record champion Red Star Belgrade showed their criticism of NATO machinations in the stands at the eighth final against Glasgow Rangers. In doing so, they recalled the numerous American wars of the past decades. Also on display was a quote from Beatle John Lennon (1940-1980), "All we are saying is give peace a chance."


Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia: resistance to NATO's incitement to war grows Europe must not become the scene of a vicarious war In more and more European countries, opposition to a participation in the war in Ukraine is growing. Today numerous Bulgarians gathered in the capital Sofia in front of the Ministry of Defense. After Hungary, this is thus the second NATO country in the former Eastern Bloc in which fierce resistance to the unilateral intervention in the current conflict is emerging. In Serbia, too, people had recently taken to the streets. "Down with NATO": demonstration in front of the Ministry of Defense in Sofia Organizer of the demonstration, according to Bulgarian media reports, was the system-critical parish "Rebirth", which, among other things, stands up against a euro-entry of Bulgaria and also sharply criticized the totalitarian Corona measures. Since last November it has sat in parliament with 13 seats. Just a few days ago she brought in a parliamentary request to ban the stationing of any more NATO units in the country. The current protest is also against handing over the few defensive weapons, which Bulgaria possesses, to Ukraine. In the context of the demonstration, party chief Kostadin Kostadinov, who was banned from entering Ukraine for 10 years because of his criticism, stated in the direction of US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin: "We want to show him that we Bulgarians are a people who are aware of our own interests. And these are: we should not let ourselves be drawn into a fratricidal war." During the demonstration, flags were waved and anti-war and anti-NATO slogans were chanted. In addition, signs with inscriptions such as "Yankee go home" were seen. Hungary: Orbán and people against war involvement Bulgaria has been a member of NATO since 2004. Hungary has been a NATO member for five years longer - but even there people are not happy with the vicarious acts in their immediate vicinity. There, the rejection of even more incitement to war is even official government doctrine. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán refuses to allow Western arms shipments through Hungarian territory. Moreover, he defended his decision not to participate in the western armament of Ukraine. With this, the conservative prime minister responded to the mood in the country ahead of the April elections. Last week, on the occasion of the Hungarian national holiday, a large demonstration took place in Budapest, at which Orbán gave a speech. He defended his country's neutral stance in the current conflict: "No Hungarian should end up between a Ukrainian anvil and a Russian hammer. It is not in our interest, as foot soldiers, to become victims in the war of other countries." Some of the hundreds of thousands of participants carried banners with messages of peace. Serbia: street and supporter protests against NATO machinations The increasing stationing of NATO soldiers in Eastern and Southeastern Europe is meeting growing resistance in the region. Demonstrations in Serbia recently focused against this. The former Yugoslavian country is uniting under the impression of the painful memory of the bombing by NATO in the year 1999. In just over two months, more than 28,000 explosives were dropped on Serbia - not necessarily what one would generally expect from a so-called "defensive alliance." It is probably in this context that many Serbs' sympathies for Russia in the smoldering East-West conflict can be explained. Following protests, which declared solidarity in principle with Russia, soccer fans also gave a signal. The supporters of record champion Red Star Belgrade showed their criticism of NATO machinations in the stands at the eighth final against Glasgow Rangers. In doing so, they recalled the numerous American wars of the past decades. Also on display was a quote from Beatle John Lennon (1940-1980), "All we are saying is give peace a chance." https://ejbron.wordpress.com/2022/03/19/bulgarije-hongarije-servie-het-verzet-tegen-ophitsen-tot-oorlog-door-de-navo-neemt-toe/

(Vertaling: E.J. Bron)

Europa moet niet het toneel van een plaatsvervangende oorlog worden

In steeds meer Europese landen neemt het verzet tegen een deelname aan de oorlog in de Oekraïne toe. Vandaag kwamen er talrijke Bulgaren in de hoofdstad Sofia voor het ministerie van Defensie bijeen. Na Hongarije is dit dus het tweede NAVO-land in het voormalige Oostblok, waarin heftig verzet tegen het eenzijdige ingrijpen in het actuele conflict ontstaat. Ook in Servië waren onlangs mensen de straat opgegaan.

Weg met de NAVO”: demonstratie voor het ministerie van Defensie in Sofia

Organisator van de manifestatie was volgens Bulgaarse mediaberichten de systeem-kritische parij “Wedergeboorte”, die o.a. tegen een euro-toetreding van Bulgarije opkomt en eveneens scherpe kritiek had op de totalitaire corona-maatregelen. Sinds vorig jaar november zit ze met 13 zetels in het parlement. Enkele dagen geleden nog bracht ze een parlementaire aanvraag in om de stationering van nog meer NAVO-eenheden in het land te verbieden. Het actuele protest is er ook tegen gericht om de weinige defensieve wapens, die Bulgarije bezit, aan de Oekraïne af te staan.

In het kader van de demonstratie verklaarde partijchef Kostadin Kostadinov, die vanwege zijn kritiek een inreisverbod van 10 jaar in de Oekraïne kreeg opgelegd, in de richting van de Amerikaanse minister van Defensie, Lloyd Austin: “Wij willen hem laten zien dat wij Bulgaren een volk zijn dat op de hoogte is van zijn eigen belangen. En deze zijn: we zouden ons niet een broederoorlog in moeten laten trekken.” Tijdens de manifestatie werd met vlaggen gezwaaid en er werden anti-oorlog en anti-NAVO leuzen gescandeerd. Bovendien werden er borden met opschriften zoals “Yankee go home” gezien.

Hongarije: Orbán en volk tegen oorlogsinmenging

Bulgarije behoort sinds 2004 tot de NAVO. Hongarije is al vijf jaar langer NAVO-lid – maar ook daar is men niet blij met de plaatsvervangende handelingen in de directe nabijheid. Daar is de afwijzing van nog meer ophitsing tot oorlog zelfs officiële regeringsdoctrine. Premier Viktor Orbán weigert westelijke wapenleveringen via Hongaars grondgebied toe te staan. Bovendien verdedigde hij zijn beslissing om niet aan de westelijke bewapening van de Oekraïne deel te nemen.

Daarmee reageerde de conservatieve minister-president voor de verkiezingen in april op de stemming in het land. Afgelopen week vond er ter gelegenheid van de Hongaarse nationale feestdag een grote manifestatie in Boedapest plaats, waarbij Orbán een toespraak hield. Hij verdedigde de neutrale houding van zijn land in het actuele conflict: “Geen enkele Hongaar zou tussen een Oekraïens aambeeld en een Russische hamer terecht moeten komen. Het is niet in ons belang om als voetsoldaten het slachtoffer in de oorlog van andere landen te worden.” Enkele van de honderdduizenden deelnemers droegen spandoeken met vredesboodschappen.

Servië: straat- en supportersprotesten tegen NAVO-machinaties

De toenemende stationering van NAVO-soldaten in Oost- en Zuidoost-Europa stuit op toenemend verzet in de regio. Daartegen richtten zich onlangs demonstraties in Servië. Het voormalige Joegosloavische land verenigt zich onder de indruk van de smartelijke herinnering aan het bombardement door de NAVO in het jaar 1999. In iets meer dan twee maanden werden meer dan 28.000 explosieven op Servië afgeworpen – niet per se hetgeen men over het algemeen van een zogenaamd “defensief bondgenootschap” zou verwachten.

In deze context zijn waarschijnlijk ook de sympathieën van veel Serviërs voor Rusland in het smeulende Oost-West-conflict te verklaren. Na protesten, die zich in principe solidair verklaarden met Rusland, gaven ook voetbalsupporters een signaal af. De aanhangers van recordkampioen Rode Ster Belgrado lieten bij de achtste finale tegen de Glasgow Rangers hun kritiek op de NAVO-machinaties op de tribune zien. Daarbij herinnerden zij aan de talrijke Amerikaanse oorlogen van de afgelopen decennia. Ook was er een citaat te zien van de Beatle John Lennon (1940-1980): “All we are saying is give peace a chance”.


Vertaald uit het Duits door:
E.J. Bron

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