Russia presents evidence to UN of war crimes by Ukrainian troops

Russian envoy to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, said that during an informal Arria meeting of the UN Security Council on Friday, Russian diplomats presented evidence of crimes by Ukrainian military and nationalist units, such as interference in the evacuation of civilians.

He said Ukraine and its Western sponsors do not want any light to be shed on the reality.

Nebenzia told his colleagues that Ukraine's armed forces are deploying heavy equipment in residential areas and using civilians as human shields, in violation of international humanitarian law.

The diplomat said Russia has reason to believe that all these principles are being systematically violated by the Ukrainian army and paramilitary units. He said that many eyewitnesses testify, that the Ukrainian army takes civilians hostage and uses them as human shields.

During the meeting, a diagram was shown, showing how the Ukrainian army takes up its positions in residential buildings and in the midst of civilian infrastructure. It showed tanks on the second floors, civilians are kept in the middle, while snipers, troops with MANPADS and heavy weapons operate on the upper floors and on the roof.

Diplomats showed footage of interviews with civilians, who told how they had managed to flee the war zone. According to them, the Ukrainian military fired on the cars of people who tried to evacuate along the humanitarian corridors. One of the residents in the video strongly rejected the idea that the Russian military was involved in the explosion at the Mariupol theater.

Russia presents evidence to UN of war crimes by Ukrainian troops Russian envoy to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, said that during an informal Arria meeting of the UN Security Council on Friday, Russian diplomats presented evidence of crimes by Ukrainian military and nationalist units, such as interference in the evacuation of civilians. He said Ukraine and its Western sponsors do not want any light to be shed on the reality. Nebenzia told his colleagues that Ukraine's armed forces are deploying heavy equipment in residential areas and using civilians as human shields, in violation of international humanitarian law. The diplomat said Russia has reason to believe that all these principles are being systematically violated by the Ukrainian army and paramilitary units. He said that many eyewitnesses testify, that the Ukrainian army takes civilians hostage and uses them as human shields. During the meeting, a diagram was shown, showing how the Ukrainian army takes up its positions in residential buildings and in the midst of civilian infrastructure. It showed tanks on the second floors, civilians are kept in the middle, while snipers, troops with MANPADS and heavy weapons operate on the upper floors and on the roof. Diplomats showed footage of interviews with civilians, who told how they had managed to flee the war zone. According to them, the Ukrainian military fired on the cars of people who tried to evacuate along the humanitarian corridors. One of the residents in the video strongly rejected the idea that the Russian military was involved in the explosion at the Mariupol theater.
Rusland presenteert bewijs aan VN van oorlogsmisdaden door Oekraïense troepen --
De Russische gezant bij de VN, Vasily Nebenzya, zei dat Russische diplomaten tijdens een informele Arria-vergadering van de VN-Veiligheidsraad op vrijdag, bewijs hebben gepresenteerd van misdaden door Oekraïense militaire en nationalistische...
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