During the Nuremberg Trials, Hermann Goering explained to Mr. Justice Jackson that “the people were merely to acknowledge the authority of the Fuehrer, or, let us say, to declare themselves in agreement with the Fuehrer.” Goering also said, “Insofar as opposition seriously hampered our work of building up, this opposition of individual persons was, of course, not tolerated. Insofar as it was simply a matter of harmless talk it was considered to be of no consequence.”

If we consider the alarming parallels between Nazi Germany and Democrat America, we see that we’re expected to simply agree with their plans and agendas and not oppose their sanctions. And if we openly oppose their censorship, legalized slavery, indoctrination, and forced vaccinations, then we’re enemies of the State. If we oppose lockdowns, travel restrictions (which is Constitutionally illegal), masks, human experimentation, crimes against humanity, and stealing our freedom, we become the enemies. German citizens who opposed the Nazis and their ideologies, were rounded up and taken to concentration camps where they couldn’t stir up their neighbors and communities to see the truth. A lot of those citizens were executed or experimented on, and were never seen again.

History is meant to be our teacher, not our oppressor. Let’s learn the lessons history is trying to teach us, and stop the flood of collectivism and brainwashing. We can start by putting an end to masks, human experimentation, fake news and propaganda, and forced social distancing. Be awake, not woke.

(KanekoaTheGreat is on Telegram - go follow him for more information and facts.)

Cross Examination of Hermann Goering http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/nuremberg/goering1.html
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